Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Assignment 2: Film Pitch
Our production task for Assignment 2 involves coming up with our own film promotion for an original movie that we have created.
*Note: this CANNOT be a Science Fiction film due to clashes with the exam topic

Title and tagline: The title of my film is the forgotten and the slogan all gone but never forgotten 

Genre (and sub-genre if applicable): The genre is crime and a sub genre would be action and romance.

Logline – one sentence that sums up the film and hooks people in (25 words or fewer): Other successful films that are similar to yours: she went from having everything to nothing. 

Narrative structure – what happens in the film and in what order (max 100 words):
there is a girl and she had everything a boyfriend, good grades and a good home and family. Thinking that she was old enough to drive and do things she couldn’t do. So she attempted to drive to school one day, on the way something life threatening happened and she lost the life she once had forever. She was never remembered as the idol she was she was just the girl in the back of the class. Wondering why none knew her she tries to work her way back to the top and be something she once was… can she do it.

Hero/heroine, their desires, the conflicts they encounter etc.:  The girl needs to wear a black nike tracksuit top and hair needs to be out. 

Other characters and their audience appeal: you have Shianne and damarni they are her bestfriends, and Antonie is her boyfriend.
Target audience for your film (age, gender, social class, interests etc.):
Age: between 15-30
Gender: about 80% girls 20% boys.
Social class: would been C1 lower middle class.
Interests:  crime and romance

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